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Jun 2021
Everyone is going through something
Some understand while others assume
Called ignorant for having an opinion
Sensitive for showing emotions
Called entitled and dismissed
Those comments stood out
Took the criticism somethings made sense
Others he questioned where it came from
A tough time and transition not taking things personal
Forgiving and moving on this isn't the first or the last time
Shouldn't be surprised all the attacks are personal
But those assumptions are the truth
Don't let toxic words influence your behavior
He liked being alone when in a mood
Didn't keep anyone out of their personal space
Some mean well others have their own evil intention
Confrontation is not worth it someone end up mad or offended
They'll hurt your feelings or hurt them
Because theirs more to the story
That ones not aware of multiple factors
That could explain or be an excuse for justification
Infamous one
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Infamous one
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