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Jun 2021
He wanted to be able to write without his frustrations. It took him back to a place he hated mentally he wasn't there anymore. Not empowering the people that criticize him or wasting his time trying to prove himself. He's never going to be accepted get their approval.
Writing was his escape his outlet closure and peace came out of it. People got in his head but it was his life and he was the one doing it. No matter what it was on him in the end.
Write poems about things he loved
Share without it being warped and twisted
Sit in a room without being judged
Without feeling like he did something wrong
Be himself without being told off for caring
Once he stopped caring it bugged him
Knew it was time to move on
Prayed because he ******* up
Made a mess walked into the insanity
Didn't go where he felt uncomfortable
Never again he told himself been here before
Didn't like. the outcome was the same
Now it's worse being provoked
Made it unsafe chose to be silent
Close himself off  didn't feel the same
The thought process the emotions stirred up
Once it settled down he felt better
Stayed calm collected after being frazzled
Its going to be alright, it's going to be okay
Not always sure but knew things would get better.
Infamous one
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Infamous one
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