even with a lack of talent i feel as though i am a fraud perhaps a mistaken universe swap? what was the parallel life i was torn from where these opportunities shouldn't come so easy to someone who always lets them pass and who is the other me, the one that would take chances in stride and breathe easy in a light they embrace i know it's just a phase and my life has only begun but when it's all i've ever known i can't imagine how i'd be without it maybe one day i'll wake up back in my place and my other back in theirs or maybe i will die the same as i live doubtful and forgotten
im currently really hyperfixed on a certain content creator and it's bummin me out... i feel like every second i spend watching him is a waste of time; yea, i get the whole "if u enjoy it its not a waste of time" but i still feel a wave of guilt when i become self aware of my obsession and it really freaks me out