A rich old lady came to tea Her face was full of apathy I asked her if she fancied me But she was barely listening. It seems her husband lets her down He doesn't dig her disco sound. He makes her pay for every round While his career is fizzling.
She said so sorry to be rude But she could not abide our food. I asked to see her in the **** But I don't think she heard me. She showed me photos of her daughter While my dad went out and bought her Several crates of special water She said ours was *****.
Her hands were like old withered claws No wonder she fell off her horse I told her she should get divorced But she just plain ignored me. She said that she would love to stay But she had business in L.A. She'd change her outfit on the way To something chic but whorey.
As she left she kissed my nose She said I was an English Rose I offered to take off my clothes But she was on the porch now She left behind her walking stick Her attitude got on my wick I hope our muffins made her sick so she dies a lets me think