I am an artist i paint brilliant pictures for you to see. i sketch out curves and shade the world as i see it. i do this to please and entertain. you. me. anyone who is willing to take a step into my mind
I am a life drawing artist. Through techniques of rendering and cross hatching, i authenticate the skin of beauty mind and soul. my **** canvas in front of me sits perfectly still, yet is always moving. it blinks and slowly breathes with each passing minute.
I am a 3D sculpter. No 2D for me. i want what is there for me to touch. i want to grab it. turn it. inspect every angle and then proceed with my decision.
I am an abstract artist. i see things differently. I dont want to follow the norm. no conformity for the strong and independent. i will choose my color, my stroke, my paper, my pen. i will choose my own pathway.
I am an artist. i do not use a brush. i dont like pastel, or paint, or charcoal. my medium is my voice. i use my words to describe the bitter sting of love, life, and wonder.
I can paint any picture in your mind. I can shade any thought into your head. I can sketch any emotion so vividly into your heart, that it will melt into the sweetest pool of crimson.
I am an artist, through my words, description, and mind. i need no colors or paint only my pen and paper. i need no history of Van Gogh only my imagination and creativity. I need only what makes sense to me.
Through my writing, I am an artist.
Thank you for the read. Comments and criticism are always welcome.