Finally I experience living free See that's what I really am I see thoughts - all of them from everywhere See them float past People think they are the thoughts Think I am the thoughts But it is not so We make the thoughts and then forget what we create Thinking the answers come from someplace else Not coming in a linear way Not how one might call straight. But still, it is the simplest What might I record and for who Or to what end For every end there is the same beginning Why can't we just put our silly toys down Aren't you tired yet Hasn't anyone else heard the calling of blanketing sheets of silence
There isn't much hope in this intellect and mind Hope isn't one of the programs it was given But you look - and you see worry dresses quite similar What to do? You can always practice nothing Always look at things not doing and see them doing nothing This way, no matter what does or doesn't go down or come up It's only nothing in your own conscious awareness
So then, who experienced What is writing now Mind tells all kinds of stories Spins greater sorts of tales you never could imagine till you saw the silence it comes from It's tricky like that Maybe that's why we see all the wealthy turning to nothingness But we see everything
This is how I know from where it all comes If it is stolen it has a dimmed and rough quality And if it is pure it blinds anything else with its light That's why when you bring light you can't call it darkness anymore Isn't darkness made outa light Gets its meaning from light It's like, let's go as far from light as possible to see can we get away not seeing that to see at all you need This Light It's just like the ancients say - There is a slow way and a direct way - a way that is now We can choose this way. Now we can if our programming allows Does your programming let you download the upgraded version of this here and now human being?