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Aug 2013
The stars in your eyes are exceptionally bright
My  love has nowhere to hide
They light up your path as you dance through the night
while I struggle to keep by your side

The stars in your eyes, they sparkle and shine
they lead me through the darkness and gloom
They gently remind me to cherish our time
They allow something special to bloom

The stars in your eyes, they burn through my fear
My insecurities have melted away
They seem to see through me, as you draw closer near
Those stars, they beg me to stay

The stars in your eyes, they hold a secret
one kept since our love began
Your breath at my ear, you beg me to keep it..
My lips meet with yours, once again
JA Doetsch
Written by
JA Doetsch  St. Louis, MO
(St. Louis, MO)   
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