I'm tired of this Every open window You peer through Becomes doors swung open Just to slam in your face When you get to the threshold No singular heart Can possibly sustain This much agony at once Why is it trial and error With every passing face Heart too big If you tried to **** Somehow it would manage Locating a rhythm Deeper than any machine Could hope to detect It's always move on She's around the corner Be a gentleman Do what they never had done Managing never to be More worthy than anyone You stand beside me I can't compare To what she wants Or what she desires I'm not the happy middle I'm the lost cause Still trying to find That one heart That will cradle mine Long into the silent hours That taunt me with exhaustion Plague me with insomnia If this doesn't end I might have to Ceasing a human existence Just to see how hard I'll be then To either love or be loved Admired for positivity When I'll simply Focus on only doing No doing Void of desire and need I'll drop dead From malnutrition in heart mind and body But they won't care They got what they chased I got used without realizing My dysfunction is a disorder They'll never cure It's fool Hopeless dreamer in the art Of giving thought a second chance That for once I'll be adequate finally Dear Self I hope you found her The messiah to your idiocy The blessing behind your faith Maybe you didn't give up Perhaps you did Either outcome Your bound to catch hell I'm not the type to please I'm the pleasing type