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Jun 2021
Her body
my Playground
her emotions
step ladder
always raising
herself up
each step
I take
the closer
I get
her skin
impatiently waits
for my hands
to take
press these
fingertips against
her flesh
I move quick
Until I get close
then I slowly
barely brushing
against her
working my
pressing firmly
in her sweet spots
pressure points
my favorite place
to show special attention
as I take
the tip of my
applying firmly
to the center
of the crevice and slowly
releasing and rotating like a merry-go round
as it stops
quick pressure to the center
and quick release
the stress pours out
and she moans in relief
whispers from my soft lips
to her ears as I complete each sentence with soft nibbles and slide my tongue around the outer edges being extra careful around her earrings
my rightΒ Β hand slips and slides flat against her back with the warm oil as it eventually stops at her lower back , my left hand holding her left side of her head slightly tilting it as our faces connect and we kiss
dimples on her back become acquaintances with my index and ring finger calling my name as I press firmly and pull my lips away from hersΒ Β  ......
Written by
RobbieG  31/M/U.S
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