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May 2021
Words heard that meant so much

Words felt that meant the most to you

Words expressed to others in love

Words used with compassion to help

If only these were the only types of words

Words used as tools to help heal wounds

Unfortunately my relationship with words

Hasn’t always been a caring one

I know the importance of words powers

Words of weapons used against myself

Words of violence hurting my feelings

Words of others shaping my insecurities

Words of the jealous breaking me down

Words from birth to a graduated man

Creating a monster inside my head

Words learned and used in the same way

Causing my adult relationships pain

Words I cannot take back nor return

Words I cannot speak of but wish I could

Words describing who I want to become

Versus the words that currently reflect me

Words read to learn about desired change

Words wrote to help grow through poetry

Words are the answers to our problems

Words are our demise if used wrongly

Words are what we make them to be

So don’t blame words when we are to blame

So use them wisely with good intentions

That’s when words can benefit us the most

To provide support, to heal and help

To build others up when they are feeling down

To relate and conquer others loneliness

To share and prove this world has hope

Words our everlasting remedy afforded to all

Words a gift we all have been given

Words a true blessing we all can create

Words might be the difference you can make
Written by
RobbieG  31/M/U.S
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