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May 2021
Meet Tony, a youthful homosexual pizza-maker who delivers pizza
& love to 1,000 blond twinkies & Francine, a Havana ***** whose
adoration for Tony perplexes Todd, a Houston **** with a heart of
gold who genuinely loves Tony & would crucify himself on a cross
like Jesus did if Elohim adopted him & cited him in the new Greek
Scriptures or in the Apocryphal Gospels on no fewer than 30 pages
in the better-written chapters. One day Tony was engaged in ****-
*** when Todd walked in. β€œHow could you?!” Todd exclaimed, so
hurt by the betrayal that you could've heard a kitten ****. β€œI'm sorry,
but my homosexuality compels me to do these abominable things,”
Tony whimpered as ejecta ejected across the palace, shattering new
picture windows on the far side. β€œJesus H. God!” Todd bellowed as
his head exploded into 100,000 shards that struck queer Tony, ****-
ing him. Just then Francine came by & exploded too for 12 piously-
Biblical reasons that no former-lesbian Methodist has ever defined.
Yes Jesus, to combat icy-cold spells I've invested 75 years in quasi-
imported issuances: middle-to-late pregnant school teen bullying on
charts that reduce reduction for pneumatic meters metering suction.
Comedian Carlos SΓ‘nchez of Argentina crapped out March 3, 2021
at 68 in his cancer morass. Who's funny now you unfunny jack ***?
Yuck it up crazy nut Errol Flynn as the broiling fires of Satan's pig-
hell are rapidly closing in. Say your prayers silly Bob Barker as the
bright days for your helpless-kitten-neutering-*** are getting darker.
It's all just a big N.W.O. government act because sleepy Joe Biden is
as sharp as a tack; tacking his way along from crazy Singapore to
Hong Kong; eating hot white rice in the Oval office off doctor Jill's
belly where it's its softest; ******* back Wu flu mucus & puke-fizz
with 2 gay ****-buddies who Kamala code-named Stanley & Lucas.
π‘Ίπ’–π’›π’š π‘©π’†π’“π’π’Šπ’π’”π’Œπ’š
(Simpang Bedok, Singapore)   
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