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May 2021
Wars hate / what peace wishes for,
Paradise my light / Odyssey of Ur
So that raw light / if the sun will sing ...

Gerakis insult / Aetoí destiny
One if it was raptor/prey and murmur
Vernarth and archer/outrager Zeus

So if I laugh / if I enjoy the valley
Lavender and passion / why run now
If I have a way / what a pasture I will tan

treat me kingdoms / treat me hurry
they wait for me worthy / with your gray arms
with my Febo of course / if I have confusion

Soon we go Patmos / arriving at Juan
Soon arriving you / fast arriving I
Prócoro praying / Saint John tuning

We have arrived / the Sycamore shines
Heaven Odyssey / Teas That Insult
Which Áullos Kósmos / which Duoverso

Vernarth dances alone / Vernarth laughs alone
Vanity prior / suspicion that hiccups
Paris hurt ... who? / Diomedes was the one who ...

It wasn't Zefian / the bushy arrow ...
How divine wars / serene deaths
Bows and taut/curly maiden

Eternal emblems/bodies on them
March stars / come for my jealousy
That I'll be Zefian / now I'm going Vernarth
Dodecasyllable / Opening Hemistich:
Jose Luis Carreño Troncoso
Written by
Jose Luis Carreño Troncoso  M/Chile, San Antonio
(M/Chile, San Antonio)   
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