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May 2021
So I am who I am
but that’s not who I was

Before the transformation
mistakes were made prior

Well I feel I’m close to healed
but what should I expect next

I meet a girl, she’s into me
where do I start to explain me

Do I tell her the good, bad and ugly with hopes she will love me

Or do I not feel the need because it’s really not who I am

The truth will set you free
but the truth from before wasn’t me

So I’m confused a tad bit as I know I don’t want to mess this up

But I feel a full disclosure might expose myself for who I was and hurt

This life a constant battle amidst what’s right and wrong

I know I want to do what’s right and that’s not of concern

But what is right is what I ask myself truthfully when I think at night

For me to wear their sins that I already carried for a lifetime this far

Or is it okay to accept it and move on like a closed case you accepted the punishment from

I don’t know and that’s the real concern for me because moving on I want to be happy

My subconscious tells me it shouldn’t matter but on the contrary it said the same thing when it did

My heart says no matter what any true love will love you for who you are

But that’s not me and it’s not who I am, so I’m confused about what needs to be shared

Any feedback greatly appreciated as I know the collective thoughts of stronger minds might lead to a rational decision

You can’t lose something you never had but you may never gain what you scare away

So who is to say or decide what to expose or decide , what’s wrong or right , there’s no sun or moon in love to determine the day from night

My emotions all mixed and confused as the thoughts all erupt and leave me feeling empty from lust

Who really knows or thinks highly enough to share their opinion amongst my decisions to help guide a young pup
Written by
RobbieG  31/M/U.S
   --- and AS
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