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Aug 2013
It's kind of funny.**
I think of myself as a very open person,
yet I can't remember the last time I let
someone in. I always think I'm going to
be strong enough, but my heart gets in
the way of my words--or maybe it's my
mind. Because there's never a right time to
tell someone you're breaking down,
there's not a perfect moment to explain
how you hate yourself and everyone
around you. Because when someone's
happy, it would be cruel to take that
away from them--you couldn't possibly
be so selfish when you know the
struggle for the smile they're wearing.
But when the same person is sad,
it's not your place to bring yet another
problem into their life; you have no right.

So when will you ever find that millisecond
to say that you need help--will you ever?
Will you just breakdown in between bites
of cereal on a Wednesday morning?
Or will the truth spill out during the ten
minute drive to the grocery store?
You try so hard to be strong and happy
because nobody has time to fix you, so
you learn to fix yourself. And maybe you
don't ever really get it; maybe you'll never
love the shape of your nose or the extra fat
on your arms. But, despite all of this, you'll
learn to love every happy person you meet--
be it with tears in your eyes sometimes.

You can't fix yourself because we aren't
intended to become something different.

You improve yourself, you
continue on, and you learn.

Everyday isn't going to be a good day,
but it is someone else's best day--
and isn't that something to celebrate?
just some thoughts to get out, not poetry
Written by
Annie  California
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