Eggs Tons of eggs Millions of eggs falling from the skies, Magical eggs filled with butterflies and flowers and everything you like!
Eggs! Tons and millions, No, billions of eggs falling from the skies Feeding butterflies in stomachs To churn and churn and churn...
Eg_gs Trillions of eg.s to tell where to be mistaken and why.
Eggs! Feeding the bodies and lakes of wonder, And boy do we wonder...
Eggs Tons of baby eggs dinosaurs, Oh, no, trillions of dinosaur baby eggs... Eggs to grow legs and walk For the love of God!
Celebration of life.
Spaghetti eggs, Lasagna and pizza eggs, Eggs of rolls and Rolling down the tube Apple sauce with chicken wings, fried, Potato fries and all the life you wished for.
Celebration of life, For the love of God!
Where epic drama starts In a Golden yolk carefully protected, Nurtured with love and care.