poisons in decorated flutes emblemized in flowery laces acorns and thistles' garlanded with lustrous weeping hemlocks and flared roses with sturdy stems railing thorns with obtuse points spitting scents of toxic lavenders from Baal
bargains from snowy covens and cravens cheap wares via dark alchemists incarnate dispensing the aroma of stirring disharmony to rile and fuse the senses in Eden unfounded
at my door the hawkers find no buyer ribboned samples left as tester thrown to trash calligraphic ploys retch in ill worded misnomers only palatable to the makers and sellers for ruptured senses host ruptured fragrances and buy into the bouquet of polluted clouds airing in lacy tones not to be ingested but carcasses are dead to deadly stench its made by them for them not me