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May 2021
Her hands not used for being held but rather tools used to defend herself

Her eyes not used for someone admiring  but rather tools used to view threats

Her ears not used for hearing kind words but rather tools used to detect fear

Her legs not used for being massaged or touched but rather tools used to power the run

Her feet not used for being pampered but rather tools used to separate her from him

Her mouth not used for speaking kind words but rather a tool used to scream for help

Her hair not used for looking pretty but rather tools used against her to hold her down

Her arms not used for reaching things but rather tools used to block for safety

Her back not used for being rubbed but rather a tool used to remind her of the scars

It’s no wonder she feels so unworthy and can’t seem to find happiness within herself

Every inch of her body is a constant reminder of a monster, his abuse has created

Not by her choice but out of necessity for her to be able to survive and remain alive

If only she had a better example as a young girl of how a man should really treat a woman

Then just maybe she would understand and realize that this is not deserving for anyone

You see her mother had it way worse so to her this guy seems a lot better than her step-dad

To her, she’s better off together with him, out of fear no one else could love her for who she is

When she can’t even love the reflection of herself from the images of her own body

A sad but true reality that more young ladies are living than what any of us could imagine
Written by
RobbieG  31/M/U.S
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