My sheer life-force ropes them in rapt attention my charisma has overwhelmed them I take fore-front in their brains and routed singular concentration evolving dominance in simple minds till they are drunk and stupefied on me
And in the twist of the twist the hunters become haunted I have possession of their lairs watch them milling and fretting in frayed nerves and red faces hiding in exposed tunnels hooked on adrenalin they have me in sight and minds
While I have their essence and string their witless spirits in dazzling rays feeding them their fears they are being haunted by their hauntings the cannibals who eat themselves to survive caught in a Scrooges dystopia quaking with their own ghosts playing themselves past present and future in projections of foamy frothy mirage minds
The Green Eagle will always find its way it owns the blue skies and breezes the torrents and pathos of sequelae blue sky thinkers the cloudy heads with heads in the clouds