You are a Purest Angel From heaven above And I've fallen in love with you And your soft gentle kiss And a warm touch Makes my heart skip
A beat feeling true love As I hold you in my arms And listen to you beat inside In my heart, We share a magical Moment of true love Coming true
And this love is so beautiful, Divinely made, Supernaturally supported, And every day my heart will beat for you.
My eyes only see you My mouth only Calls your name And my heart only Beats for you And my body only Answers to you. Because I love you!
But I can't love you For you need to love yourself first You need to allow true love in your heart.
FEAR OF THE PAST Is not going to allow forgiveness. Which is making one to offend himself
I can't be with you until you are completely healed. Until you give yourself the chance let the past be Until you are totally healed and allow true happiness to enter your heart Until you fight and win the giant Called FEAR
Until after you really realized I suit to take part of your full joy. Because I can't complete you I can only complement you.
So ground yourself my beloved. Follow your heart desires, Learnt to leave the past behind. This will help to give you clarity because it will hinder you to move to the future
Learn to be in the moment so as to follow your heart desires. Know the God and the Angels are supporting you Only you need to let the past be and live in the present
As you are entering a new year of your life tomorrow, I wish you all your TRUE HEART DESIRES A new year of soul Alignment A new year of full joy A new year of abundance of money,wealth, connection and sound Health