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May 2021
I walked to the terrace, late at night
for the night was stuffy,
And there was no one in sight.
Up there I wondered,
If I could really fly.
So I took the step slowly
up the terrace that night.
But I saw a girl, already up there,
she looked tired and serene.
She was like an apparition,
staring at the scene.
I stood in the comforting silence,
wondered if I should break the ice.
She spoke first to my relief,
And asked me why I was late to arrive.
I wondered, what she meant,
but she continued without a pause.
"If you came a little early,
you might have saved a loss."
I needed and sked,
"But would my words have mattered,
If your mind was already made up?"
She replied without skipping a beat,
"Without trying how could you give up?"
So, I didn't think of flying anymore,
maybe because I thought I'd fail.
Instead I told the girl beside me,
"I'd be on time from now on,
so you can rest assured."
Ananya Dubey
Written by
Ananya Dubey  18/F/New Delhi, India
(18/F/New Delhi, India)   
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