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May 2021
Oxymoron used frequently
Two words juxtaposing
Containing the opposite meaning
Etymology derived from Greek
Oxus and Moros
Sharp and stupid
Also an oxymoron

Commonly usage is unintentional
Appears paradoxical
Which Is a logical contradiction
A puzzle
Something to think on
Oxymoron is a figure of speech doesn't linger but gone

Used on people
To describe their characteristic
Cannot be used to describe a person
As it does not make sense

Used in quotes
Purpose to reflect
On purpose
As in not to neglect

Used in Advanced Science
Innovations with names that in English does not make sense
Virtual Reality
Is it a fallacy or advanced technology
Thin line to draw
Explanation difficult notoriously

Used in quotes
By great men like
Mark Twain.
Genius like Wodehouse
Visionary like Henry Ford
Mockingly by Bing Crosby
To Add Drama by Yogi Berra
Flavour to speech like Churchill
Unintended by Movie Moghuls

Lacking in knowledge critics will say
Percieved Comically
Some make you laugh hysterically
Adds fun to life
Usage An entertainment
No harm done

Act Naturally
Small Crowd
Clearly confused
Amazingly Awful
Only Choice
Farewell Reception
Commonly used
Not to get confused
Depends how much exposed
You are
To understand the context
In which it Is told

Tried my best
Leave the rest
To accept or not accept
To the person
At whose behest
I wrote this on request

Does this make me
A Smart idiot
Or a Stupid genius
For I shall be the happiest man alive
Even if I could drop dead
To get the approval
Even if it is negative
For everything is absolutely relative
Written by
KV Srikanth
   Imran Islam
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