Back then at school, We had life-skills- Every week we would be taught, the girls, Handicrafts by a gentle, lady-like woman. They taught us macramé, well after it went out of style. How to unravel and tie-up spools and spools of thread- Into fancy knots and whirls. You could hang it on your ceiling Just beneath the fan, or over your bed.
Then there was the letter box, Made out of cardboard and wrapping paper. But not to hang outside, of course. The glue would dissolve in the rain water. And the letters would all cry out in jets of blue ink.
Speaking of ink, we made a miniscule brush Out of old, old pens And human hair. It measured about four inches And you could clean the ridges between tiles With it, or brush your moustache if you had one. The class was always there You couldn’t skip it, miss it or play truant. Life-skills, you will need them when you grow And you’ll thank me when you flaunt- Them to your cynical mothers- in-law.