From his glassed verandah he stared in wonder at the motionless sky with not a star twinkling, he felt sadly amused, the little stars don’t twinkle here and he was so far away from the land he had known all along as his home. suddenly it dawned on him that it wasn’t for no reason that he felt rootless and homeless in what was so long his abode the same way he’s feeling now in this glassed verandah one fifty million miles away from the place he calls home. he shivered in this thought looking at the vast frigid sky where hurtled the ghost of phobos whose pale orb he found too dimmed to spin webs of dreams he did with the silvery disc in his once familiar sky. at the sight of that desert terrain exposed yet bereft of the wind’s ravage where time stood timelessly frozen, he felt lost in a massive alienness listlessly searching for a way out to come back to a tranquil equilibrium.
then his eyes fell on the ocean water blue and he couldn’t hold back his tears. like a man possessed he started tapping the keys….
The first flower blossomed on that lifeless world.