And now things really are scary I’m off drugs I sleep I’m eating what I want (mostly) I’m 101 pounds My body has stopped repairing itself I’m cut up like tiger stripes The sight of red and subtle sting has yet to fail as a quick relief yet I consider killing myself on a very true, inner and curious level I am not whole, just fragments of a girl no longer able to play the part My thoughts turn and twirl, colliding and overlapping like the oceans waves in the thick of a storm. Forgetfully mistaking actions of love and support for jabs in my sinking heart For you are my enemy or I cannot even see you. I am combat ready. My mind has shut me out, slammed the door and turned the key. I am alone. Thick fog fills my mind It is too loud, too bright, too much Somebody is screaming and sobbing It might be me. I do not understand. Maybe my weight has gotten too low? The tight wraps of my mental illness So long untreated is finally opening up and swallowing me whole I realize as I’m sure Alice must have too I’ve strayed so far from home It would be easier to die than find my way back.