Tooth to tooth Set in ways we will never understand Paces of pride, that collect a heat for who'th Is to be king of the hill, when we encourage the land...
Pining oddity's, and a friend named ecstasy The waiting rise of fortune is ours forever... Even until, even unless all of a cause has an identity We come home to, the aim and the look of a destiny's lover...
Born to cares and copes of seldom seen mortality? Saving the hope of anger with a grasp of infidel's? Taking the time to wish in open airs, I am that I civility? Kisses of instinct in austere fashion, ready to live well?
And no name provided, a cold shared in the glamor of since No cloth of recognition, that is the speck of dust that did us in Enter the voice of composure, that has the calm of avarice to binge And a summary address, of society that comes and goes with allure winning
Feel, well, used? Join the club, and answer the riddle of a lifetime When jealousy makes a home for you, is justice to be abused? Look hard and pardon a callous need, with sincerity, the words you seek are a crime...