what's to pine or pain about one of many coerced innocents filled with untruths and blindsided hooked into solidarity with paymasters who prey on their gullibility and confuse them
where are the nagging doubts in the self-assured and truly confident type who always keeps it real with senses ******* on right this David of men in sublime flairs show qualities unsurpassed erudite adequate solid courageous and noble he stands a paragon
the emotion is informed and trained not basely reactionary like a common sheeple who's fed propaganda and let loose at master's command in the finesse of proper breeding its easy to see the contemptible's and make allowance for impostors and the envy of witless lesser class
the cowards find strength in groups 'n gangs the complete one knows real strength is from within for its substance that augers not the shallow semblances true worth knows its value as virtue is its own reward not vanity as beauty without inner beauty lacks genuine value and authenticity