How many suns died, out in the black margins & burning headrooms since we last shared any words of importance? I look out tonight from the roof towards the endless upper branch & swear a few have blinked away.
You strolled in so casually from my dream, as if from the wood or park, and common strokes moved in the air between us. Your words fork across all your grassy miles, as you tell me about the fox-scream; I can almost see the starlings hash across miniature cubes of lawn.
I live in silver - the cars that flicker right to left, the metro's metallic hide, the strange inflorescent cloud that garottes the coinish moon. I'll lend it you on afternoons when the rain deposits itself in quiet blue discs across the city.
Go now, and know that I am always grateful for another friend, especially when they understand how hard a heart heaves across all the bent years.