If you’re living in the Now, Defining and refining With a sense of movement-in-the-present, Then your writing will become A mirror of that present, You a better writing woman/man - yes, person. That’s a a gift! A real present!
Moment’s thought may feel too trifling To put out into the world, but listen! No thought is so meaningless As not to hurl into the swirl of word Poetic brainwaves others have not also shared.
That is why the “I is always you is we.” The marvel being ‘you’ is always you, Your writing yours and no one else’s: You, the content, style, form. Catch the moment: carpe diem! As the hundred zillion galaxies do this second, You’ll expand, A guarantee long earned, confirmed!
Writing From the Place You’re At 4.13.2021 Definitely Didactic II; I Is Always You Is Me; The Processes: Creative, thinking, Meditative II; Arlene Nover Corwin
“I Is Always You Is We.” the title of a one of my collections and coming book.