As if I was bitten by a mosquito and got the condition overnight?
Remember at a wedding when you were only nine
And that uncle kept staring and purposely brushed past all the time
Or in the bus, that old man kept touching between your legs
And you were only six.
Remember when you bought a very expensive watch
And in a great excitement
Showed it to your best friend
And she meanly asked,
Who gifted?
When a friend says you know what
You must compromise a bit to be married.
Whereas the same friend tells a male friend
“Oh, he’s just not liking anyone.”
When your parents tell you to act dumb
So, the guy does not feel intimated.
Or they tell you to laugh low
So, he can feel high.
Stop doing it
Stop asking your friend who she is dating
When she already told you, multiple times, that she’s single.
Do you know how it feels?
To be second judged on every opinion
Only because you don’t have one of those things
Between your legs
Or more so
Because you proudly say
That you are a feminist.
So, stop
Just stop calling yourselves feminists Because it's not just about rapes, equal pays, and glass ceilings It’s also about these little things. And may you realize someday That it's not about man and woman It is just about being human.