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Aug 2013
I've never been broken before
But you broke me that night
You split my being  into tiny microscopic pieces
Every emotion I've ever felt about You
Was split apart and ripped open and thrown into the newly cracked parts
Of myself
The love I felt for you was broken down and thrown into a mix
Of sadness and regret and anger
So that is wasn't pure anymore
It was messily splatter painted on the insides of my mind
It wasn't just red love and passion and trust
It was stained
With black anger
And green envy
And yellow betrayal
And so many other colors and emotions that I couldn't keep it all
It was just a muddle of fuzzy images that were once so sharp and clean
Everything was thrown
Out of focus
And you were at the center
Twisting the images
And throwing the paint
And ripping the cracks deeper and deeper with every word you said
Or didn't say
I've never been broken before
But you broke me that night
Written by
Insomnimaniac  New York
(New York)   
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