She squishes the pill bug with the tip of her shoe giving it a nice twist at the end to be sure the deed was done.
She stares for a long while at what must have looked like a Rorschach test speckled with bits of recognizable body parts - legs and guts as such- as if searching for the bigger picture it must have been hiding.
She jumps back into her self when she recognizes the voice of a little boy calling from the swing set nearby.
She looks exhausted like she's spent all day carrying the world and this is a rare moment when the universe allows her to sit down.
She reluctantly rises from her semi-comfortable bench. and shuffles toward the impatient child who is now screaming wordlessly for her.
She's been dealing with this behavior for a long time you can tell because the pterodactyl screeches he's emitting that send the nearby blind man's dog into fits don't phase her at all.
She grabs the metal ropes of the swing, pulling him back to the highest point of the pendulum, and lets go.
The little siren boy falls immediately silent his eyes slowly shut His face melts into what can only be described as the untarnished bliss we all misplaced, or packed away somewhere in the attic with all those old picturebooks, long ago.
He's flying. For the first time all day, she doesn't have to fake a smile.