Word bound You have often encouraged me in compose You always said practice being suppose I felt within inspiration I noticed that my words became a creation My moment being my time I lacked confident in thinking words didn’t involve me But through the ability my illustration became a peek and see One letter became assurance Letters that followed with the added endurance My understanding formulated influence Doubt suggests won’t I wasn’t going to stop, but I had to try I wasn’t going to settle for self-pity It meant applying myself being witty It doesn’t matter in what city What implies is taking words and making them a journey beyond A statement in making sure they are words being heard Utterance having tolerance Words that surround the mind Reaching the surface, and not drown I am the word’s being the leader You taught me well But I am sure people can tell This is a wording moment You emphasized that I am the words in surprise I am the focus of realize My words turned me into a human enterprise I am the Word Trek Sentences became my frontier into words of my own I am on this journey Tomorrow one word, the future will be words extended being my destiny Ultimate my privilege I am the leverage