A land Egg Yokes and Cracken Town assortments Duracell Bunny being full of energy But today the Duracell Bunny narrating the surprises It is the time and place The Town of Easter land is where our story is the trace It’s the citizens being Rabbits and eggs Then we encounter Mr. Egghead He is the Governor of Easter Land Now every year the citizen folks of Cracken Town and Egg yokes have a challenge every year You may want to step back and not be near You could have egg on your face Over in Cracken Town is where one crack deserves another Each competitor is different than the other Cracken Town Gang are determined to remain the reigning champion’s But are they ready for a possible defeat? I don’t want to make this story over easy Perhaps even cheesy So everything is set, and the atmosphere is in the air, the fragrance of spring Yes including the Bee sting So Cracken Town and the Egg Yokes are now in battle Now hold on to your saddle Oh no, the Egg Yokes is going to hit that too late, the horse rider But the horse rider is ok Wait a minute the horse rider is now in the battle as well Do tell Another fight indeed, but let me continue to narrate in proceed I am only trying to do a good deed I don’t know why I feel like I am in the town of OZ Eggs thrown and cracks made This is definitely an egg war The Egg Yokes are playing, but Cracken Town folks are no joke The score is Egg Yokes 8 and Cracken Town 10 So Cracken Town has an edge Well Cracken Town scored another point So Cracken Town remains the reigning champion once again So Easter as they say, it’s Easter Land saying hooray Happy Easter I say to you, let happiness continue to shine all through