I want to be a resource like I want to be The Truth I want to point my fingers toward The One Who died for you I want to start recovering the person that I am by telling you The Story of the God Who made my hands
I want to disconnect myself from words that are not true I want to be okay with all that I am going through I want to wine and dine my heart because I know I can But when my heart is broken I’ll return to where I am
I want to know the reason that I am alive at all I want to understand the whys and ways of my own fall I want to share A Word with you that made my life complete I’m here until I’m not and then I’ll be what all I eat
“Опять сказал им Иисус: Я отхожу, и будете искать Меня, и умрете во грехе вашем. Куда Я иду, туда вы не можете придти.” От Иоанна 8:21