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Jul 2013
Smoke dances seductively
while ascending from my to-this-day anonymous Pipe;
undulating and contorting, all according
to the movement of this particulate crystal lattice we call 'Air',
with which all these fans are *******.

As Light transfixes the Smoke,
revealed is some Grain of Wood like texture
floating and distorting elegantly and eloquently
as 5 centimeter thick cross-sections,
courtesy of the not quite fully open Blinds.
A brief satirical sketch using excessively bastardized and frivolous Language;
I find it sorta funny and kinda cute, but I'm a demented excuse for an Artist:

"Avast, scallywag! What is that there, of which thou partakest in pyrolyzed particulate form?!"
"Forsooth, figure of sanctioned Authority! I assure thee that I only partake of the socially sanctioned things, for only they cannot render one in potential harm! Why else would some things be law-abiding if not to protect the people from themselves?"
"Aha! So I see. It is indeed best when people question not the powers that be! Best be on thine way, then!"
Anubis the Philosomancer
Written by
Anubis the Philosomancer  29/We're all a bit mad here.
(29/We're all a bit mad here.)   
   ---, Emma Louise, ---, ANH and Anjelica
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