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Roger Turner - Poet
Mar 2021
The Wind Storm
I sat down in the basement
Safe and hidden from the storm
I wrapped up in my blanket
I was keeping safe and warm
It sounded like a freight train
As I listened to it blow
The rain was going sideways
But, at least there wasn't snow
The maple in my back yard
Was straining as it blew
Some branches snapped in pieces
I counted twenty two
I watched out the small window
As projectiles whistled by
It was noon but felt like midnight
From the darkness of the sky
I saw a picnic table
Fly from two houses up the street
Although it was quite scary
It was also kind of neat
We get these storms quite often
And when the wind is dead and gone
The best part is the garbage
Has all blown off my front lawn
I'm going up to look out
As the winds are dying down
To check on what's been blown here
From other parts of town
I'm looking from my kitchen
To see the damage the storm did
I've now got six umbrellas
Two swing sets and a kid
A wading pool, two lawn chairs
Some cushions and a slide
A pool cover all torn up
And a small boat on it's side
No leaves and that's a good thing
Because my sheds gone with the rake
So I can score one on the plus side
Though I now own a small lake
Shingles from the rooftops
Of nearby homes abound
I've fourteen in my fence now
And a hundred on the ground
Last storm, when it blew through
It wasn't quite a twister
My friend, he lost his tent trailer
But he gained a cat and sister
We've twenty three blue boxes
From storms we've had before
A dozen real nice planters
And a beat up old car door
I get another backyard grill
About every year or so
I just move the old one out some
And let the wind storm blow
The storms done finally
So, the clean up now can start
Tomorrow it'll be out front
Like a yard sale at Wal Mart
The damaged goods get recycled
The good stuff's rarely claimed
It's all covered by insurance
And the victims never named
This year will be different
We won't keep all things hid
We've got an extra swing set
And I'm not keeping the kid
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
Mandy Berry
Bogdan Dragos
Imran Islam
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