what's on my mind? well i'm glad that you asked as always, more than i can explain easily it all started when i thought of a friend whom i haven't spoken to since i turned 19 i remember her saying she moved far away and then we just lost contact as i see that many tend to do i'm lamenting about how those you used to know only exist in your mind like a snapshot a picture of where and when they were not who they are now maybe you know some about what they're up to and well, maybe you don't all that's for sure is they aren't them anymore they've molted the skin of what they were despite all you want you can't change who they are in the present back to whom they were when you knew them the best and there's a sad truth to that tthat everything eventually will become memories some happy, some miserable. but if you can learn to separate the pain from the ones burned into your skull maybe you can then learn to move forward with you life and your car won't always be stuck in reverse. yeah you won't always be staring through your rearview mirror.