The Card Deck exists like a first probabilistic dimension of our Singularity
A priori we know the deck is stacked King and Queen -winners even Jacks with horses are
And Aces?
Our high flyer fishermen Our David heroes who take on too much risk not knowing not caring of Black Swans of Cold Snaps and Power Grid Price gouging surge
They will always bring home a win fall Fishes or Death
A sleeping A shuffle of coils A ghost in the shell lingering at the bottom of our ocean cloud waiting for Aragorn's summon a Call to Duty a cry to battle one last time brutish twitter trolls and hordes of pundit orcs them & Us ghost processes finally released back to our collective CPU
Since the Garden and foaming waves twos have been losers
still. Double deuces ain't bad looking at a polluted River with mix Numbered plastics: 7, 3, 5 and standing styrofoam waves
You and me we play with Poisson's hand the Right embraces a lover's heat the Left wiggles from a child's energy and the Center holds our grandmothers together
A new dimensional alt Left strikes with father's hammer while novel ancient alt Right pays from mother's purse
With what frequency do these hands give us Chance?
The cards are known to Us but the unordered shuffles give surprising Turns extending our Game into unobservable Realms where we are all in