So you're in your early twenties. Two decades and some change down. Life isn't going as you expected. You don't live in a studio apartment above the skyline in Manhattan and your Friends names aren't Ross, Phoebe or Joey. You blame the economy for your lack of currency and inability to move. You remain comfortable, because that is what feels okay. Now, let's stop making excuses. Realize that your in your early twenties: It's the perfect supersonic boom of an age. You are young enough where you still have your morals from adolescence and have yet to be tainted or jaded by the real world. Don't worry so much about what your diploma says. Use what you already know: your ethics, ideology, art form of life to create something useful within this world. Be you, not because Drake says you only live once, but because it is common sense. Don't sit around and wait, hope or pray for something to happen. It is finally your time to make it happen. Go out and fail. For failure is the first step to success, because you're one step ahead of everyone else by trying, by risking, by attempting to go out of the comfort box. So on this very day: Let's make it happen today. God, Buddha, Yahweh, Your Krypton Alien Dance or Whatever You May Believe In--Bless bros & broettes. Peace.