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Mar 2021
A recent topical example: the diphtheria case, and the "fear" created by this one, extremely mild, case in an unvaccinated child. Dr Ossi Mansoor, a principal doctor regarding vaccination policy, stated on Radio Pacific, "The figures we have are that in the 1920s there were 800 deaths every year" (from diphtheria). Yet the New Zealand Government's statistics show the average yearly number was below 100, also that the average death rate per 10,000 mean of population fell from 6.08 to 0.20 before the use of the diphtheria vaccine. – Southland Times 30-Sep-1998

"I've been practicing for 40 years, and in the past 10 years the children have been sicker than ever."-- Dr. Doris J.Rapp, paediatric allergist.

"I once believed in Jenner; I once believed in Pasteur. I believed in vaccination. I believed in vivisection. But I changed my views as the result of hard thinking."-- Dr. Hadwen

"Measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, and the whole panoply of childhood diseases are a far less serious threat than having a large fraction (say 10%) of a generation afflicted with learning disability and/or uncontrollable aggressive behaviour because of an impassioned crusade for universal vaccination.......Public policy regarding vaccines is fundamentally flawed. It is permeated by conflicts of interest. It is based on poor scientific methodology (including studies that are too small, too short, and too limited in populations represented), which is, moreover, insulated from independent criticism. The evidence is far too poor to warrant overriding the independent judgements of patients, parents, and attending physicians, even if this were ethically or legally acceptable." – Association of American Physicians & Surgeons
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(Simpang Bedok, Singapore)   
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