I constantly feel cold nowadays Because the passion that kept me sweaty Is all gone Or maybe because the rain won't stop And it washes away my resolve But your eyes are awash with the warmth Of laughter and interest I thought you dropped me Like what you do with all your gym classes Apparently you picked me up again And to tell you the truth You're the only thing that keeps me going In this winter of inspiration When I feel like all the elements are conspiring against me And the cold is tearing through my sweater Through my shirt So you take my hand when you see me shiver And you pull me into your embrace What comforting warmth lies inside your arms I wish I could stay in them forever I am reluctant to leave and face the outside world So you just smile at me and kiss me in the forehead and tell me 'There, so you could keep warm' I'd feel okay then and prop my collar It's freezing but I'm ready now.