Held on to hope, sadly it was a mistake. Left falling, spiraling out of control. Pain grips the heart, sorrow fills the mind. Failure would be what I describe. There's a burning inside my soul. Bringing me to my knees. I can feel a weight being lifted. Instinct drives me to reach out. My hand grabs another. I see myself looking back. A younger me, a happier me. At an age where happiness seemed endless. When I had no care in the world. His hand slips through my fingers. He floats away and disappears. I fall backwards into darkness. No light, and yet I still see. Deja vu sets in. It's a familiar place, yet different. I feel nothing. Emotionless. Memories escape me. Thoughtless. No words leave my lips. Voiceless. I am consumed by the world. A world that we live in and share. Consumed by the shadow that is doubt. Broken in the darkness, I lay. For I am nothing but an empty shell...