Am When you lie down with dogs G you wake up with fleas Em why they call strumming D a form of string tease Am Its almost a scratching, G with less of the rigour Em Though elbow wrist fingers D must exhibit some vigour. Am I play Guitar G Chesinga the Banjo Em Our stage name has changed D we’re known as Fandango Am While I keep the rhythm G by stamping my feet Em She Castanet’s D by rattling her teeth Am Any day now, G we’re off to Ban-tree Em She’s pedigree, D we'll play for gen-tree Am Bad Busker Bad Busker G he might be there Em he’s no threat to us D ‘cause we’ve got some flair Am The baker he pays me G with freshly made scones Em And the butcher the dog, D with raw meaty bones
Am Fandango Fandango g you’ve made it at last Em The worlds going to know D your name’s being broadcast.
Repeat Fading
Am Fandango Fandango g you’ve made it at last Em The worlds going to know D your name’s being broadcast.