I look in the mirror And it feels wrong The person in there Isn't me The person in there Has messy Brown hair And dark ringed eyes And he looks like he's been punched a few thousand times His hair is too long And the oversized shirt Hangs of the overweight body More than it should The weight never bothered him And it never will That's not what he's teased for Or bullied for at all The band teeshirts rarely surface anymore Even though they were his favourite before The cut off shorts stay folded in a draw Because they show to many scars That would rather be ignored And the boots haven't been out the wardrobe in months The person looking back Should be happy and carefree Wearing an ACDC shirt And torn up jeans with Scuffed up docs And a flannel flung carelessly over a shoulder The messy hair shaved short at the sides And smiling eyes That aren't sunken like that guys He shouldn't look sleep deprived Or upset I wish I could backpeddle a couple of months To when I was happy and loud And my friends thought I was high All the time Disclamer I've never been high But I was pretty much hyper Every day of my life Now there's no energy left to spare Except for breathing and sleeping And writing whatever **** this is.