Just surrender do not render Remember! A calendar is an angle grinder lowering it's apple pie order in asunder, in this life everyone is attender so, never turn intentions into deficit disorder... Be less backhander but a big band leader or a bidder instead of bar attender, be more as binder and bleeder and blender like blinder to mix not a terrible blunder Spending a lot like a boarder in a border seems like a bounder or a ******* of a dark from light builder... This world, is a cigarette holder that chunder with a collider for every commander of order or conductor who consider one contender and converter who convert court order from the defender... All natural recorder and descent recorder will speak out in order not disorder at coming days without divider for embroider... Always be motive like first ******* to cross feeder of a road or a river with fender without fender ******... And the first aider for first of fender never, every day flop like a flounder because some days may end up as street fodder so foist upon everyone to take white collar in folder... And every founder is a freeholder not a freeloader... Hate no one but ******* like an American Gerry mander who tried to steal the national gunpowder... Down to the header is a beautiful herbaceous border, in a hidden agenda carrying by a Highlander to summit it to the lowlander, why wondering? for this life made to order through mail order not for only majority leader and markets leader, this is what paupers mounder about social grinder when expecting all infrastructures mender to come on his hand without milk powder as a minder to all childminder... But, a fake minder- reader will be misreader appeared to be money spider... And the cardiac carriage that moulder in a time of ****** of a serious offender who drives his life like off-roader as an offsider with oleander... for every out rider who decided to work with outsider...
We hope to be blest to ride on a panda for our commander to pander our beautiful wishes and to work more than plodder