Riding the crest of popular wave he found himself catapulted to the throne of the leader of the nation. A visibly moved he, sporting a beaming smile addressed an ocean of cheering crowds waving hands, displaying ‘V’signs delivered a prolonged speech driving his subjects drunk with joy unbound like his predecessors who one by one occupied the saddle riding the crest of popular wave made themselves endearing to hundreds of thousands of masses. They too delivered fiery speeches with sugar-coated pledges and promises to wash away the grime of corruption, terror and violence elevating the masses to a plain of sky-high dreams, happy days of prosperity and hopes aplenty unfortunately the suffering millions found themselves taken for a ride. Now a new man in the garb of a benevolent leader in whom they reposed their full faith the one and only reason being public memory always remains short. Election after election, ruler after ruler who make false promises of new dawn push their subjects to the abyss of hardships, poverty, deaths thereby snuffing out the flames of sweet morrows.