It’s snowing gently But a lot. Persistently and softly. Is that not a metaphor For …something… An insistence Whose importance I can’t know but sense.
It’s the gentleness that strikes me: A force that doesn’t force, but is. An element and facet And an aspect of behaviour That could be a saviour To a person’s happiness And peace of mind.
The thing or things get done Looking like fun But with an impact on all things around.
An almost silent path With not a sound of wrath, But just a bath of H20 We’re calling snow, Knowing that the whole will go in time.
I guess I’ve found my metaphor in rhyme. It’s snowing, But while snowing going. If that’s not an emblem Of life’s semblance And a trope For spirit’s power and hope, I don’t know what is.
It’s Snowing Gently, But a Lot 2.17.2021 Circling Round NatureII; Nature In & Of Reality; Arlene Nover Corwin