I always thought If I kept my head down Avoided obvious dangers And minded my own business I'd be safe
But... There is no such thing as safe Life interferes with what you had planned I never thought that I would be in this place At this time and I'm sad
I feel like there is a clock ticking And I am running out of time Which I did not make good use of So I am, waiting for the other shoe to drop Death
And I am scared Not so much of dying...That is a gimme But of not really living Or loving Or being loved
I just cannot seem to let myself be vulnerable To let someone in How does one do that? Let down carefully crafted walls Sometimes I think I am getting better at it And then I take two steps back -
So, I like this guy And I Have used every angle To explain why I shouldn't like him
I'm too old (for him) He's too young (for me) I'm fat He's not I'm not beautiful He is He is radiant I am weary I do not know why he likes me I know why I like him
Outside of the He is tall And good looking He is sweet He takes care of things He isΒ Β funny He gives great hugs
Why I can't see past what I lack To see what I may have Is it so bad that I want him? Sometimes yes, sometimes no Yes when I think about age Or size No when I think about how I feel in his arms
What do I do? I hate it when I don't see him Over the moon when I do
How can I let go When I am bracing myself for a fall?