Smooth talk Smooch kiss Romance of silk Music within the hearts of tone The idea of love about to be full blown No need for candy sweets Being together is our tweets of delight Eating by Candle Light Eye glazing into one another Our love is cherished like no other Our love our own story We are Valentine in our glory Our hands holding together Love is truly in the air Our love is sustaining in care Elegance of the rose Embracing lovers suppose The fragrance that takes our love into essence We were descended together Click clack of our Wine Glasses Every sip from the heart of devoted love Our love spreads through the skies like flying Doves Embrace me now into continuous So on this Valentine’s Day I blow kisses heading your way We have our own enchanted love You are my Queen and I am your king It’s sparkle of elegance Love you more and more Our kisses are the ever after Valentine’s Day is every day being our daily chapter