We the fervent devotees of the Cult of The Latter Day Che Guevara ask for your support in our present struggles in this our civilised democracy, our green and pleasant land to drive one germ man mad pity us. all your people in chains and on Welfare benefits and all you people with nothing better to do and all you people who are covert racists like us for an elitist parasite dares to **** our blood dry and take our birth right from us Please come join us or make donations like all the oligarchs generously make to Putin, that magnificent champion of the masses Do not let this parasitic oppressor this greedy germ man take our Taxes we need to **** this germ up do his head in, frustrate him and wipe him out its yours and my money ok, some was made during the Slave Trade and from all our foreign Territories and ok, the germ man worked and paid taxes but ignore facts here, that's all history and who cares anyway, those darkies were asking for it So, come join our cult, let us show how powerful we are Join us today and like our Hero V. Putin lets have a thriving State of Crooks and Thieves and the simplistic politics of liars and bullies Join up, you have nothing to lose but your chains!
This is a satitiral piece about Covid!9...That virus that is driving us all crazy Hahaha, its no laughing matter I know.